Monkey Brains
"Long Island Ice T" Drunken Monkey 003  
Saturday, October 14, 2006, 03:17 PM - Drunken Monkey
Posted by Administrator
Long Island Ice Tea... what can be said about being an amature other then ... you're an amature. Long Island Ice teas should only be ordered under certain conditions.

1: You have limited funds and require getting fucked up from a few drinks.

2: You a crappy life and wish to not be sober in order to not deal with it.

3: Your special someone is gone and you need to be a drunken idiot about it (we've al been there)

4: You are an amature and think its kool to drink something that will get you wasted and not able to function if you have too many of them.

The worst kind of people who order LITs are the idiots who actually say " Long Island Ice Tea... and make it strong" Do you even know that there is only a splash of coke, a splash sour mix and a splash of lime juice in a LIT? Besides that it's FIVE liquors I mean its a strong drink to begin with, you can make it stronger by leaving the splashs out. If you like puking all over bathroom floors and then having your friends make excuses of how YOU "are just wasted" then by all means drink that crap. But if you like to hang out for longer then two hours and having some sort of conversation with people then stop being an amature and pick a real drink.

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Web Monkey 001 
Saturday, October 14, 2006, 12:48 PM - Web Monkey
Posted by Administrator
Click on image to see bigger.

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"Black & White Lines" Monkey See 002 
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 09:45 AM - Monkey See
Posted by Administrator
Ever notice how people when they cross the street at intersections mostly step on the white lines its hard to purposely step in between them. I have now committed myself to not stepping on the white lines so that they will not feel like people are just stepping all over them.


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"Open Your Eyes" Drunken Monkey 002 
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 09:31 AM - Drunken Monkey
Posted by Administrator
I don't know about you but I figured out along time ago that when I go into any bar, and I mean ANY BAR all I had to do to see what beers are sold at that place was to look somewhere behind the bartender on the wall or on top of all the liquor bottles. There is usually a bunch of beer bottles standing there representing what they have, anyplace that has too many beers to place them all probably has a huge chalk board with a list of their beers saying "Every beer in the world" as the title.

I mean come on who are these morons that keep coming up to the bar and asking " what kinda beers do you have here?" are they also going up to McDonald's and asking "what sort of food do you have here?" have these idiots been to the few urban myth bars where they keep the list of available beers locked down in the basement in a hidden vault only to be taken out when the right password has been given? Get a fucking clue already.

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Web Monkey 000 
Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 12:40 PM - Web Monkey
Posted by Administrator
Gonna put funny pics and web shit I find here , under "Web Monkey".
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"Record Label People" Monkey See 001 
Sunday, October 8, 2006, 07:02 AM - Monkey See
Posted by Administrator
What is it with label shows and more importantly label people? Why are they so cheap I mean they always ask for receipts cause they don't want to pay for things (tickets or drinks) out of their pockets, but then they are cheap as fuck when it comes to the tip. I mean don't they know we make our living of those stupid tips? what a bunch of assholes. Well not all of them since I do have a few friends who work in the industry.

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"Flavor of the Weak" Drunken Monkey 001 
Saturday, October 7, 2006, 01:42 PM - Drunken Monkey
Posted by Administrator
OK, whats the deal with these morons ordering Apple Martinis and Mojitos lately? Do these people pick up the "Drinks People Drink" issue of Time Out Magazine and pick out the Flavor of the Day that they are going to annoy the bartenders with this weekend? Come on what happened to the good old standards? Vodka tonic, Jack and coke, Gin and tonic, Vodka cranberry or Rum and coke ( and its not a "cuba libre, its a RUM AND COKE!!!) The majority of the time these tools don't even know what the hell is in these drinks to begin with.

These fucking drinks are total marketing drinks made up to sell a specific alcohol and these idiots line up for the idiot medals. Come on guys get a clue and also don't order these drinks any place but your stereo typical shi shi SOHO type bar, unless you want the bartender looking at you funny and wondering how much your mommy and daddy pay for your rent.

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