Monkey Brains
"Get your feet out of my face" Traveling Monkey 001 
Thursday, March 13, 2008, 02:12 PM - Traveling Monkey
Posted by Administrator
What's the deal with all these foot ads on the subway now? You got all these ugly feet plastered all over the stations and then worse are the ones that are right in your face. Its bad enough having to commute with a ton of people in a subway car without having to be stuck in the position where you cant look away from nasty ass feet. And where are all these people with these fucked up feet? And why the upsurge in these ads? Was there some mass exodus from Europe where they don't tolerate people with shitty feet? Well I say be proud and keep your ugly ass feet they way they are. And keep them where they should be on the floor and out of my face.

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