Monkey Brains
"Sugar Mama" Monkey See 005 
Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 05:38 PM - Monkey See
Posted by Administrator
Who are these women (really girls) who seem to be attracted to guys (sorry but mostly musicians) who can never pay for anything? They pay at the door, at the coat check and at the bar. I have seen these girls also pay for meals and in allot of the cases the girl actually gives the man (really boy) the money, to make him feel like a man who actually has money and so he can look like he pays for it. Do these girls think they look like any less of an idiot by giving the boy the money to play the part of the financier? When you actually give the money in front of the door person or bartender and then the guy (loser) hands it over to the person collecting the money it is one of the most idiotic acts ever...EVERYONE involved can see and knows that the guy didn't pay for it so why not just pay for it directly? Now the girls who actually carry these fools equipment to their cars thats a total other subject.

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