Monkey Brains
" Can I just own an iphone and not get shit for it?" Angry Monkey 003 
Monday, October 29, 2007, 11:20 AM - Angry Monkey
Posted by Administrator
Can I just own an iPhone and not get any grief for it? My first week I kinda walked around almost afraid to use it out in public cause back then people would stare and do so in a real obvious way that would make me feel uncomfortable. I began to be a closet iPhone user not admitting I owned one or the fact that I loved my new device. Then came the iPhone haters. Now I am by no means an apple fan boy and kinda hate the cult of steve jobs but I never hated any macbooks or other apple devices. I have never gotten so much shit from people for having a certain cell phone. I know it mostly envy cause I don't recall any giant iPhones back in high school bullying people around or any of my friends having drunk iPhones for dad's beating them up. The list of reasons why I am an idiot for buying an iPhone is huge (according to the haters) but given the chance, because of cost or contract, I am sure these people would love to have one. So to all those motherfuckers who iHate ...get off my back and let me enjoy my iphone in peace.

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