Monkey Brains
"Water" Drunken Monkey 011 
Sunday, September 2, 2007, 08:56 PM - Drunken Monkey
Posted by Administrator
"Can I get a glass of water?" not one of my favorite things to hear from a "customer" unless they have already drank allot then no problem. When someone first walks in and asks for a glass of water I already start thinking "this person is not gonna drink". It's like walking into a restaurant and asking for a napkin. And there are the people who keep asking for water all night long and don't tip. Don't you realize that its almost the same amount of work to pour a glass of water as a regular drink? And at the same time if its a busy night you are taking time away from people ordering REAL drinks and potential tippers. Worst case of these water drinkers are the ones that aren't happy with a regular glass of water, and request a pint glass of water, sometimes even going as far as not wanting any ice in. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG IT TAKES TO FILL A PINT GLASS WITH WATER WITH NO ICE IN IT!!!! AUGHHHHHHHHHH. Then to top things they don't even drink 1/4 of the glass of water so you then end up pouring the water out. Lessons learned here are... 1: If you order water tip on it. 2: If you order water when its busy, tip on it. 3: If you order water just take the reg glass with or with out the ice, and tip on it. 4: If you order a pint of water, drink the whole thing and don't forget to tip on it. Basically make sure you always tip.

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