Monkey Brains
"Flavor of the Weak" Drunken Monkey 001 
Saturday, October 7, 2006, 01:42 PM - Drunken Monkey
Posted by Administrator
OK, whats the deal with these morons ordering Apple Martinis and Mojitos lately? Do these people pick up the "Drinks People Drink" issue of Time Out Magazine and pick out the Flavor of the Day that they are going to annoy the bartenders with this weekend? Come on what happened to the good old standards? Vodka tonic, Jack and coke, Gin and tonic, Vodka cranberry or Rum and coke ( and its not a "cuba libre, its a RUM AND COKE!!!) The majority of the time these tools don't even know what the hell is in these drinks to begin with.

These fucking drinks are total marketing drinks made up to sell a specific alcohol and these idiots line up for the idiot medals. Come on guys get a clue and also don't order these drinks any place but your stereo typical shi shi SOHO type bar, unless you want the bartender looking at you funny and wondering how much your mommy and daddy pay for your rent.

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