Monkey Brains
"Open Hours"Monkey See 004 
Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 08:52 PM - Monkey See
Posted by Administrator
If a place closes at 7:00 do you arrive at 6:59 and complain about them still being open or even worse are you one of the people who arrives at 7:05 and says "but its only 7:05" Do any of these people ever take into consideration that maybe the closing time is also quitting time? How would they like it if people went to their job (and I am stereotyping here) asked them to work in their cubical for another 15 min after 5 pm? I don't think they would like it much. Now a sure way to not get anyone to maybe bend the rules for you is to throw a hissy fit and complain about how its only 5 minutes after closing. ITS AFTER CLOSING TIME!! rule of thumb if you need to get somewhere by a certain time then try and be there 15 minutes before it closes that should be enough time for whom ever to do whatever it is you need them to do, otherwise try getting there when the place opens and I am sure they wont have to close at that time.

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