Monkey Brains
"Can we all just pee straight?" Drunken Monkey 013 
Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 11:15 PM - Drunken Monkey
So how hard is it to piss into a toilet? I know I've come home pretty drunk at times and was still able to not piss all over my bathroom floor. So what makes it soooo different at a bar? Is it the fact that you know it's not going to be you later on cleaning up your piss and dirty toilet paper off the floor? And there is not a HUGE difference between the males and the females cause I've seen some DIRTY ladies bathrooms (and I use the word ladies loosely) Maybe along with a designated driver, people need to start bringing a designated person to wipe their asses and clean up after them in the toilet. If you get to the point of hanging out that you can't piss straight then maybe you shouldn't be hanging out. It doesn't take too much skill to piss. I did some research online and there is allot of scientific data to back this up... you either stand or squat and then release, you then maybe shake a little and then your done. And while we're in the bathroom (sort of speak) can we discuss the countless number of people that don't wash their hands after they piss. This time I can only speak about the guys cause I see how many go into a bathroom and walk right out without washing. Could be that I am used to washing my hands from having to do it when I work (yes that sign "employees must wash hands before leaving" is for me) but I do it when I am not working too. Nothing is classier then seeing some guy just grab his balls and piss then go shake hands with his friends (call me crazy but I wouldn't call a piss hand shaker a friend) and then with the same hand put his drink olive or cherry in his dates mouth like I said....CLASSY. So lesson here is lets not get to the point where its so bad that, like cell phones that we use instead of pay phones cause they are more convenient and cleaner, we will need to start wearing adult diapers.... cause they are more convenient and cleaner.


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