Monkey Brains
"Blue Stripped Shirt" Monkey See 006 
Saturday, July 28, 2007, 04:22 PM - Monkey See
Is blue stripped shirt the new douche? I was at a bar last night and couldn't believe how many idiots were wearing striped blue dress shirts. I mean are there no other kinda dress shirts out there and why are they wearing dress shirts? Is it some sort of gang? was I hanging out in a gang bar? Highly unlikely. It cant be that this is the high fashion craze cause Ive seen this dress uniform for a few years now, Kaki pants and dress shirts most often sky blue or some sort os pastel color. Now it may be some sort of mating ritual cause I also did notice that the number of douche bags wearing this outfit was matched by the number of retarded girls that were attracted to these morons. I mean who would not be attracted to a loud obnoxious drunken tool who dresses like every other person in the room and seems to have no sense of what is going on besides the fact that it's time to get hammered and grab some ass. I have always thought how odd it would seem if I got a group of friends and we all wore the same exact T-Shirt and went to the upper east or west side and walked into a bar together. I don't think the crowds there would think any more us then I think of people who have no sense of actually looking a little less like an assembly line product from the banana republic factory.


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