Monkey Brains
"Open Your Eyes" Drunken Monkey 002 
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 09:31 AM - Drunken Monkey
I don't know about you but I figured out along time ago that when I go into any bar, and I mean ANY BAR all I had to do to see what beers are sold at that place was to look somewhere behind the bartender on the wall or on top of all the liquor bottles. There is usually a bunch of beer bottles standing there representing what they have, anyplace that has too many beers to place them all probably has a huge chalk board with a list of their beers saying "Every beer in the world" as the title.

I mean come on who are these morons that keep coming up to the bar and asking " what kinda beers do you have here?" are they also going up to McDonald's and asking "what sort of food do you have here?" have these idiots been to the few urban myth bars where they keep the list of available beers locked down in the basement in a hidden vault only to be taken out when the right password has been given? Get a fucking clue already.


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