Monkey Brains
"You don't take credit cards?!" Drunken Monkey 014 
Thursday, October 18, 2007, 11:46 AM - Drunken Monkey

Is it unbelievable that there are places that don't take credit cards? And why must some people repeat the statement back to me? "You don't take credit cards?" I know what I said. I know where I work and that we don't take credit cards. And then to make it worse there are some idiots that actually follow that with "Well I don't have any money" like I am then supposed to give them the drinks on the house. This is not only New York City but also the East Village, there are about a million ATM's all over the place…. get some cash and stop being a moron.

While we are on the subject of cash, I hate it when tourists complain that all our bills look the same. OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES. I know we don't have different colors and different sizes like in other places we use this really weird method of telling out bills apart, its called NUMBERS. We put four on each face and on every corner of the bill. Geez Ok that was a quick bitch fest.

Back to the Credit card thing. I can understand how much easier it must be to not have to carry cash and just pay with plastic. But be reasonable, to show up to a place that kind of looks like they probably take cash more then they do credit and think its outrages that they don't accept your daddy's American Express is a little pumpass. A dead giveaway is that the place has a fucking ATM right in front of the place COME ON!!!!! Stop you r whining and complaining and carry a few twenty's in your pocket. Who knows it might save your life one day. When you get mugged, you'll probably get stabbed for only having credit cards and no cash in some neighborhoods.


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