Monkey Brains
"Drink Special" Drunken Monkey 012 
Monday, September 17, 2007, 08:33 PM - Drunken Monkey
What the fuck is up with people during drink specials? I mean they are already getting some sort of deal , wether its two for one , half price or maybe even drinking for free cause they don't have a penis. You would think that only the most down on their luck people came to these "drink special" events , but if I were that down on my luck I would be spending my money on important things like food and clothing. These fuckers are not satisfied with the "drink special" the want as much as the can get, for as little as they can get away with giving. You have to all of a sudden become a traffic cop and watch what drinks go where and to who. One of the worst examples is qhen its ladies night and all the woken try and buy the drinks for the guys so they dont have to pay full price. I mean come on youre already a girl! You dont need to be hooking up some loser who can't afford to pay full price just to get his attention. Do you think this moron is ever even gonna pay for your kabab? Don't getme started on how cheap alot if these people are when it comes to tipping. Badically if you go aplace cause of some drink special, dont try to get over on the bartender he/she is having enough of a hard time with the crowd. Last thing they need is another pain in the ass. Maybe if you are kool enough to the bartender you'll get to the point that you wont need a "drink special" to get a free drink.


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