Monkey Brains
"I'm a Bartender" Drunken Monkey 010 
Sunday, July 1, 2007, 08:39 PM - Drunken Monkey
"I'm a bartender" unless you are asked by the bartender what you do or if you're asked if you are one then I shouldn't hear those words from anyone. Any real bartender does not need to announce that to anybody. Usually when some dumb ass clown states that they are a bartender or even worse that they used to be a bartender then you know they have been a pain in the ass or about to be one. Most bartenders will be able to spot a fellow patriot of the spirits by the way they behave at the bar. Waiting patiently till the bartender gets to them, not asking for pain in the ass drinks that are probably not served there, not waving money in the air to get someones attention (as if I were a topless dancer)and most of all they tip like they know full well that we make a living from tips and not from a paycheck. The ASSHOLES that like to start their drink orders with "I'm a bartender" probably worked at a Friday's or Apple bee's for a week before they went back to school during college. The most infuriating action that these so called bartenders make is tiping one dollar on a big drink order. There is no way in ell that these fucking morons ever made a living serving drinks cause they would know better tipping etiquette. Using the term "I'm a bartender" is not like showing a badge at a crime scene it does not allow you act like an ass cause you held the job title.


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