Monkey Brains
"Tip Tease" Drunken Monkey 009 
Saturday, December 2, 2006, 12:49 PM - Drunken Monkey
There is a breed of assholes out there that somehow manage to play this trick on bartenders and at least I fall for it all the time. They tip on every drink but then the second they get their free drink they stop tipping its like being some sort of a tip tease. Well that may work but hey not only is it rude to not tip on a buy back it fucks it up in case you were going to get another buy back later. Did these idiots ever think beyond the ONE buy back? Cause if you continue to tip good , well there may even be a free shot or another drink in it for ya. But the losers that then just take their drinks and run ...walk home sober. You may still get fucked up but it will cost you more money. Remember its always the good tipper that goes home with more money in their pocket and fucked up.


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