Monkey Brains
"Unknown Artist" Angry Monkey 002 
Monday, October 23, 2006, 06:46 PM - Angry Monkey
What's up with small bands that act like they are such rock stars and seem to think that they are playing some huge venue when in fact they are just playing some small club where prob no one has ever heard of them and then when these bands do have some sort of following they think that they are like the rolling stones playing at Madison Square Garden or some place similar. You can never ask these guys for IDs or a "Band Stamp" cause YOU are supposed to know who they are already for some reason cause in their minds its the first night the venue is open and they are the only band that has ever played there. Here is a rule of thumb actually become a rock star before you start acting like one then you might actually get treated like a rock star and not some dumb ass musician.

Thursday, October 26, 2006, 06:09 PM

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